I believe that it is unnecessary for me to enter into farther detail of
illustration respecting these points; for fuller explanation of the operations of the contemplative faculty on things verbally expressible, the
reader may be referred to Wordsworth's preface to his poems; it only remains for
us, here, to examine how far this imaginative or abstract conception is to be
conveyed by the material art of the sculptor or the painter. art oil painting online
Now, it is evident that the bold action of either the fancy or the
imagination, dependent on a bodiless and spiritual image of the object, is not
to be by lines or colors represented. We cannot, in the painting of Satan
fallen, suggest any image of pines or crags,—neither can we assimilate the brier
and the banner, nor give human sympathy to the motion of the film, nor voice to
the swinging of the pines. oil paintings of italy
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