Now, the operation of the mind upon the body, and evidence of it thereon,may be considered under the following three general heads. art oil paintings
First, the operation of the intellectual powers upon the features, in the
fine cutting and chiselling of them, and removal from them of signs of
sensuality and sloth, by which they are blunted and deadened, and substitution
of energy and intensity for vacancy and insipidity, (by which wants alone the
faces of many fair women are utterly spoiled and rendered valueless,) and by the
keenness given to the eye and fine moulding and development to the brow, of
which effects Sir Charles Bell has well noted the desirableness and opposition
to brutal types,abstract oil paintings for sale, (p. 59, third edition;) only this he has not sufficiently
observed, that there are certain virtues of the intellect in measure
inconsistent with each other, as perhaps great subtlety with great
comprehensiveness, and high analytical with high imaginative power, or that at
least, if consistent and compatible, their signs upon the features are not the
same, so that the outward form cannot express both, without in a measure
expressing neither; and so there are certain separate virtues of the outward
form correspondent with the more constant employment or more prevailing capacity
of the brain, as the piercing keenness, or open and reflective comprehensiveness
of the eye and forehead, and that all these virtues of form are ideal, only
those the most so which are the signs of the worthiest powers of intellect,
though which these be, we will not at present stay to inquire.abstract oil painting on canvas
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