The Venetian provinces were held together not merely by force of
rule. In language and feeling no less than in government, they formed a distinct
unit within the Italian peninsula. Painting being so truly a product of the soil
as it was in Italy during the Renaissance,2 Pieces paintings, the art of the provinces could not
help holding the same close relation to the art of Venice that their language
and modes of feeling held. But a difference must be made at once between towns
like Verona, with a school of at least as long a growth and with as independent
an evolution as the school of Venice itself, and towns like Vicenza and Brescia
whose chief painters never developed quite independently of Venice or Verona.
What makes Romanino and Moretto of Brescia,original oil paintings, or even the powerful Montagna of
Vicenza, except when they are at their very best, so much less enjoyable as a
rule than the Venetians—that is to say the painters wholly educated in
Venice,—is something they have in common with the Eclectics of a later day. They
are ill at ease about their art, which is no longer the utterly unpremeditated
outcome of a natural impulse. They saw greater painting than their own in Venice
and Verona, and not unfrequently their own works show an uncouth attempt to
adopt that greatness,art oil paintings online, which comes out in exaggeration of colour even more than
of form, and speaks for that want of taste which is the indelible stamp of
provincialism. But there were Venetian towns without the traditions even of the
schools of Vicenza and Brescia, where, if you wanted to learn painting, you had
to apprentice yourself to somebody who had been taught by somebody who had been
a pupil of one of Giovanni Bellini's pupils. This was particularly true of the
towns in that long stretch of plain between the Julian Alps and the sea, known
as Friuli. Friuli produced one painter of remarkable talents and great force,
Giovanni Antonio Pordenone, but neither his talents nor his force,abstract oil paintings for sale, nor even
later study in Venice, could erase from his works that stamp of provincialism
which he inherited from his first provincial master.
Such artists as these, however, never gained great favour in the capital.
Those whom Venice drew to herself when her own strength was waning and when,
like Rome in her decline, she began to absorb into herself the talent of the
provinces, were rather painters such as Paolo Veronese whose art, although of
independent growth, was sufficiently like her own to be readily understood, or
painters with an entirely new vein, such as the Bassani. original oil paintings wholesale
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