PORTRAIT, HISTORY, AND GENRE-PAINTERS: Contemporary with the early
landscapists were a number of figure-painters, most of them self-taught, or
taught badly by foreign or native artists, and yet men who produced creditable
work. Chester Harding (1792-1866) was one of the early portrait-painters
of this century who achieved enough celebrity in Boston to be the subject of
what was called "the Harding craze." Elliott (1812-1868) was a pupil of
Trumbull, and a man of considerable reputation,oil paintings for sale, as was also [266] Inman
(1801-1846), a portrait and genre-painter with a smooth, detailed brush.
Page (1811-1885),Baker (1821-1880), Huntington (1816-), the
third President of the Academy of Design; Healy (1808-[22]),
a portrait-painter of more than average excellence; Mount (1807-1868),
one of the earliest of Americangenre-painters, were all men of note in
this middle period.
Leutze (1816-1868) was a German by birth but an American by adoption,
who painted many large historical scenes of the American Revolution, such as
Washington Crossing the Delaware, besides many scenes taken from European
history. He was a pupil of Lessing at Dusseldorf, and had something to do with
introducing Dusseldorf methods into America. He was a painter of ability, if at
times hot in color and dry in handling. Occasionally he did a fine portrait,
like the Seward in the Union League Club, New York. paintings reproductions
During this period, in addition to the influence of Dusseldorf and Rome upon
American art, there came the influence of French art withHicks
(1823-1890) and Hunt (1824-1879), both of them pupils of Couture at
Paris, and Hunt also of Millet at Barbizon. Hunt was the real introducer of
Millet and the Barbizon-Fontainebleau artists to the American people. In 1855 he
established himself at Boston, had a large number of pupils, and met with great
success as a teacher. He was a painter of ability,oil paintings for sale cheap, but perhaps his greatest
influence was as a teacher and an instructor in what was good art as
distinguished from what was false and meretricious. He certainly was the first
painter in America who taught catholicity of taste, truth and sincerity in art,
and art in the artist rather than in the subject. Contemporary with Hunt lived
George Fuller (1822-1884), a unique man in American art for the sentiment
he conveyed in his pictures by means of color and atmosphere. Though never
proficient in the grammar of art he managed by blendings of color to suggest
certain sentiments regarding light and air that have been rightly esteemed poetic. wholesale oil paintings
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