THE THIRD PERIOD in American art began immediately after the
Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia in 1876. Undoubtedly the display of art,
both foreign and domestic, at that time, together with the national prosperity
and great growth of the United States had much to do with stimulating activity
in painting. Many young men at the beginning of this period went to Europe to
study in the studios at Munich, and later on at Paris. Before 1880 some of them
had returned to the United States,decorative paintings, bringing with them knowledge of the technical
side of art, which they immediately began to give out to many pupils. Gradually
the influence of the young men from Munich and Paris spread. The Art Students'
League, founded in 1875, was incorporated in 1878, and the Society of American
Artists was established in the same year. Societies and painters began to spring
up all over the country,canvas paintings for sale, and as a result there is in the United States to-day an
artist body technically as well trained and in spirit as progressive as in almost any country
of Europe. The late influence shown in painting has been largely a French
influence, and the American artists have been accused from time to time of
echoing French methods. The accusation is true in part. Paris is the centre of
all art-teaching to-day, and the Americans, in common with the European nations,
accept French methods, not because they are French, but because they are the
best extant. In subjects and motives, however, the American school is as
original as any school can be in this cosmopolitan age. modern abstract oil painting
be inferred that the painters now prominent in American art are all young men
schooled since 1876. On the contrary, some of the best of them are men past
middle life who began painting long before 1876, and have by dint of observation
and prolonged study continued with the modern spirit. For example, Winslow
Homer (1836-) is one of the strongest and most original of all the American
artists, a man who never had the advantage of the highest technical training,
yet possesses a feeling for color, a dash and verve in execution,original oil paintings wholesale, an originality
in subject, and an individuality of conception that are unsurpassed. Eastman
Johnson (1824-) is one of the older portrait and figure-painters who stands
among the younger generations without jostling, because he has in measure kept
himself informed with modern thought and method. He is a good, conservative
painter, possessed of taste, judgment, and technical ability. Elihu
Vedder (1836-) is more of a draughtsman than a brushman. His color-sense is
not acute nor his handling free, but he has an imagination which, if somewhat
more literary than pictorial, is nevertheless very effective. John La
Farge (1835-) and Albert Ryder(1847-) are both colorists, and La
Farge in artistic feeling is a man of much power. Almost all of his pictures
have fine decorative quality in line and color and are thoroughly
pictorial. oil paintings for sale online
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