"We once were sad,
In the sweet air, made gladsome by the sun.
Now in these murky settlings are we sad."
Even the angel crossing the marsh to help them is annoyed by this bitter
marsh smoke, "fummo acerbo," and continually sweeps it with his hand from before
his face.In the sweet air, made gladsome by the sun.
Now in these murky settlings are we sad."
Anger, on the purgatorial mountain, is in like manner imaged, because of its blindness and wildness, by the Alpine clouds. As they emerge from its mist they see the white light radiated through the fading folds of it; and, except this appointed cloud, no other can touch the mountain of purification.
"Tempest none, shower, hail, or
Hoar-frost, or dewy moistness, higher falls,
Than that brief scale of threefold steps. Thick clouds,
Nor scudding rack, are ever seen, swift glance
Ne'er lightens, nor Thaumantian iris gleams." oil paintings online
Dwell for a little while on this intense love of Dante for light,—taught, as
he is at last by Beatrice, to gaze on the sun itself like an eagle,—and endeavor
to enter into his equally intense detestation of all mist, rack of cloud, or
dimness of rain; and then consider with what kind of temper he would have
regarded a landscape of Copley Fielding's or passed a day in the Highlands. He
has, in fact, assigned to the souls of the gluttonous no other punishment in the
Inferno than perpetuity of Highland weather:Hoar-frost, or dewy moistness, higher falls,
Than that brief scale of threefold steps. Thick clouds,
Nor scudding rack, are ever seen, swift glance
Ne'er lightens, nor Thaumantian iris gleams." oil paintings online
Ceaseless, accursed, heavy and cold, unchanged
For ever, both in kind and in degree,—
Large hail, discolored water, sleety flaw,
Through the dim midnight air streamed down amain."
Ceaseless, accursed, heavy and cold, unchanged
For ever, both in kind and in degree,—
Large hail, discolored water, sleety flaw,
Through the dim midnight air streamed down amain."
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