However, even if one had at his disposal a very rich historical material and
could manage the psychic mechanism with the greatest certainty, a psychoanalytic
investigation could not possibly furnish the definite view, if it concerns two
important questions, that the individual could turn out only so and not
differently. Concerning Leonardo we had to represent the view that the accident
of his illegitimate birth and the pampering of his mother exerted the most
decisive influence on his character formation and his later fate,cheap oil paintings, through the
fact that the sexual repression following this infantile phase caused him to
sublimate his libido into a thirst after knowledge, and thus determined his
sexual inactivity for his entire later life. The repression, however, which
followed the first erotic gratification of childhood did not have to take place,
in another individual it would perhaps not have taken place or it would have
turned out not nearly as profuse.abstract oil painting We must recognize here a degree of freedom
which can no longer be solved
psychoanalytically. One is as little justified in representing the issue of this
shift of repression as the only possible issue. It is quite probable that
another person would not have succeeded in withdrawing the main part of his
libido from the repression through sublimation into a desire for knowledge;
under the same influences as Leonardo another person might have sustained a
permanent injury to his intellectual work or an uncontrollable disposition to
compulsion neurosis. The two characteristics of Leonardo which remained
unexplained through psychoanalytic effort are first, his particular tendency to
repress his impulses, and second, his extraordinary ability to sublimate the
primitive impulses. modern abstract art oil painting
The impulses and their transformations are the last things that
psychoanalysis can discern. Henceforth it leaves the place to biological
investigation. The tendency to repression, as well as the ability to sublimate,
must be traced back to the organic bases of the character, upon which alone the
psychic structure springs up. As artistic talent and productive ability are intimately connected with sublimation we have to
admit that also the nature of artistic attainment is psychoanalytically
inaccessible to us. Biological investigation of our time endeavors to explain
the chief traits of the organic constitution of a person through the fusion of
male and female predispositions in the material sense; Leonardo's physical
beauty as well as his left-handedness furnish here some support. However,oil paintings on canvas for sale, we do
not wish to leave the ground of pure psychologic investigation. Our aim remains
to demonstrate the connection between outer experiences and reactions of the
person over the path of the activity of the impulses. Even if psychoanalysis
does not explain to us the fact of Leonardo's artistic accomplishment, it still
gives us an understanding of the expressions and limitations of the same. It
does seem as if only a man with Leonardo's childhood experiences could have
painted Monna Lisa and Saint Anne, and could have supplied his works with that
sad fate and so obtain unheard of fame as a natural historian; it seems as if
the key to all his attainments and failures was
hidden in the childhood phantasy of the vulture. oil paintings for sale cheap
But may one not take offense at the results of an investigation which concede
to the accidents of the parental constellation so decisive an influence on the
fate of a person, which, for example, subordinates Leonardo's fate to his
illegitimate birth and to the sterility of his first step-mother Donna Albiera?
I believe that one has no right to feel so; if one considers accident as
unworthy of determining our fate, it is only a relapse to the pious aspect of
life, the overcoming of which Leonardo himself prepared when he put down in
writing that the sun does not move. modern art oil paintings We are naturally grieved over the fact that
a just God and a kindly providence do not guard us better against such
influences in our most defenseless age. We thereby gladly forget that as a
matter of fact everything in our life is accident from our very origin through
the meeting of spermatozoa and ovum, accident, which nevertheless participates
in the lawfulness and fatalities of nature, and lacks only the connection to our
wishes and illusions. The division of life's
determinants into the "fatalities" of our constitution and the "accidents" of
our childhood may still be indefinite in individual cases,hand painted oil paintings, but taken altogether
one can no longer entertain any doubt about the importance of precisely our
first years of childhood. We all still show too little respect for nature, which
in Leonardo's deep words recalling Hamlet's speech "is full of infinite
reasons which never appeared in experience."Every one of us human beings corresponds to one of the infinite experiments in
which these "reasons of nature" force themselves into experience. oil paintings for sale online
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