The element of the vulture represents to us the real memory content in
Leonardo's childhood phantasy; the association into which Leonardo himself
placed his phantasy threw a bright light on the importance of this content for
his later life. In continuing the work of interpretation we now encounter the
strange problem why this memory content was elaborated into a homosexual
situation. The mother who nursed the child,paintings for sale, or rather from whom the child
suckled was transformed into a vulture which stuck its tail into the child's
mouth. We maintain that the "coda" (tail) of the vulture, following the common
substituting usages of language, cannot signify anything else but a male genital
or penis. But we do not understand how the phantastic activity came to furnish
precisely this maternal bird with the mark of masculinity, and in view of this absurdity we become confused at the
possibility of reducing this phantastic structure to rational sense. original oil paintings
However, we must not despair. How many seemingly absurd dreams have we not
forced to give up their sense! Why should it become more difficult to accomplish
this in a childhood phantasy than in a dream!
Let us remember the fact that it is not good to find one isolated
peculiarity, and let us hasten to add another to it which is still more
striking. frames for oil paintings
The vulture-headed goddess Mut of the Egyptians, a figure of
altogether impersonal character, as expressed by Drexel in Roscher's lexicon,
was often fused with other maternal deities of living individuality like Isis
and Hathor, but she retained besides her separate existence and reverence. It
was especially characteristic of the Egyptian pantheon that the individual gods
did not perish in this amalgamation. Besides the composition of deities the
simple divine image remained in her independence. In most representations the
vulture-headed maternal deity was formed by the
Egyptians in a phallic manner, her body which was distinguished as feminine by its breasts also bore the
masculine member in a state of erection. large oil paintings for sale
The goddess Mut thus evinced the same union of maternal and paternal
characteristics as in Leonardo's vulture phantasy. Should we explain this
concurrence by the assumption that Leonardo knew from studying his book the
androgynous nature of the maternal vulture? Such possibility is more than
questionable; it seems that the sources accessible to him contained nothing of
remarkable determination. It is more likely that here as there the agreement is
to be traced to a common, effective and unknown motive. landscape paintings for sale
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