The classic subject seemed more appropriate to his spirit, and yet he knew
and probably cared less about it than the religious subject. His Dianas and
Ledas are only[106]
so in name. They have little of the Hellenic spirit about them, and for the
sterner, heroic phases of classicism—the lofty, the grand—Correggio never
essayed them. The things of this earth and the sweetness thereof seemed ever his
aim. Women and children were beautiful to him in the same way that flowers and
trees and skies and sunsets were beautiful. They were revelations of grace,
charm, tenderness, light, shade,flower oil paintings on canvas, color. Simply to exist and be glad in the
sunlight was sweetness to Correggio. He would have no Sibylesque mystery, no
prophetic austerity, no solemnity, no great intellectuality. He was no leader of
a tragic chorus. The dramatic, the forceful, the powerful, were foreign to his mood.
He was a singer of lyrics and pastorals, a lover of the material beauty about
him, and it is because he passed by the pietistic, the classic, the literary,
and showed the beauty of physical life as an art motive that he is called the
Faun of the Renaissance. The appellation is not inappropriate. oil paintings of flowers
click here for a modern color image
How or why he came to take this course would be hard to determine. It was reflective of the times; but Correggio, so far as history tells us, had little to do with the movements and people of his age. He was born and lived and died near Parma, and is sometimes classed among the Bologna-Ferrara painters, but the reasons for the classification are not too strong. His education, masters, and influences are all shadowy and indefinite. He seems, from his drawing and composition, to have known something of Mantegna at Mantua; from his coloring something of Dosso and Garofolo, especially in his straw-yellows; from his early types and faces something of Costa and Francia, and his contours and light-and-shade indicate a knowledge of Leonardo's work. But there is no positive certainty that he saw the work of any of these men. oil paintings wholesale
His drawing was faulty at times, but not obtrusively so; his color and brush-work rich, vivacious, spirited; his light brilliant, warm, penetrating; his contours melting, graceful; his atmosphere omnipresent, enveloping. In composition he rather pushed aside line in favor of light and color. It was his technical peculiarity that he centralized his light and surrounded it by darks as a foil. And in this very feature he was one of the first men in Renaissance Italy to paint a picture for the purpose of weaving a scheme of lights and darks through a tapestry of rich colors. That is art for art's sake, and that, as will be seen further on, was the picture motive of the great Venetians. dafen oil painting village
Correggio's immediate pupils and followers, like those of Raphael and Andrea del Sarto, did him small honor. As was usually the case in Renaissance art-history they[108] caught at the method and lost the spirit of the master. His son, Pomponio Allegri (1521-1593?), was a painter of some mark without being in the front rank. Michelangelo Anselmi(1491-1554?), though not a pupil, was an indifferent imitator of Correggio. Parmigianino (1504-1540), a mannered painter of some brilliancy, and of excellence in portraits,flower oil paintings on canvas, was perhaps the best of the immediate followers. It was not until after Correggio's death, and with the painters of the Decadence, that his work was seriously taken up and followed.
PRINCIPAL WORKS: Milanese—Leonardo da
Vinci, Last Supper S. M. delle Grazie Milan (in ruins), Mona Lisa, Madonna
with St. Anne (badly damaged) Louvre, Adoration (unfinished) Uffizi, Angel at
left in Verrocchio's Baptism Florence Acad.; Luini, frescos Monastero
Maggiore, 71 fragments in Brera Milan, Church of the Pilgrims Sarrona, S. M.
degli Angeli Lugano, altar-pieces Duomo Como, Ambrosian Library Milan, Brera,
Uffizi, Louvre,oil paintings for sale, Madrid, St. Petersburgh, and other galleries; Beltraffio,
Madonna Louvre, Barbara Berlin Gal., Madonna Nat. Gal. Lon., fresco Convent of
S. Onofrio Rome (ascribed to Da Vinci); Marco da Oggiono, Archangels and
other works Brera, Holy Family Madonna Louvre; Solario, Ecce Homo Repose
Poldi-Pezzoli Gal. Milan, Holy Family Brera, Madonna Portrait Louvre, Portraits
Nat. Gal. Lon., Assumption Certosa of Pavia; Giampietrino, Magdalene
Brera, Madonna S. Sepolcro Milan, Magdalene and Catherine Berlin Gal.; Cesare
da Sesto, Madonna Brera, Magi Naples Mus.;Gaudenzio Ferrara, frescos
Church of Pilgrims Saronna, other pictures in Brera, Turin Gal., S. Gaudenzio
Novara, S. Celso Milan. abstract oil paintings for sale
Siennese—Sodoma, frescos Convent of St. Anne near Pienza, Benedictine Convent of Mont' Oliveto Maggiore, Alexander and Roxana Villa Farnesina Rome, S. Bernardino Palazzo Pubblico, S. Domenico Sienna, pictures Uffizi, Brera, Munich, Vienna Gals.; Pacchiarotto, Ascension Visitation Sienna Gal.;Girolamo del Pacchia, frescos (3) S. Bernardino, altar-pieces S. Spirito and Sienna Acad., Munich and Nat. Gal. Lon.; Peruzzi, fresco Fontegiuste Sienna, S. Onofrio, S. M. della Pace Rome; Beccafumi, St. Catherine Saints Sienna Acad., frescos S. Bernardino Hospital and S. Martino Sienna, Palazzo Doria Rome, Pitti, Berlin, Munich Gals. art oil painting for sale
Ferrarese and Bolognese—Dosso Dossi, many works Ferrara Modena Gals., Duomo S. Pietro Modena, Brera, Borghese, Doria, Berlin, Dresden, Vienna, Gals.; Garofolo, many works Ferrara churches and Gal., Borghese, Campigdoglio, Louvre, Berlin, Dresden, Munich, Nat. Gal. Lon.; Mazzolino, Ferrara, Berlin, Dresden, Louvre, Doria, Borghese, Pitti, Uffizi, and Nat. Gal. Lon.; Bagnacavallo, Misericordia and Gal. Bologna, Louvre, Berlin, Dresden Gals. oil painting on canvas for sale
Parmese—Correggio, frescos Convent of S. Paolo, S. Giovanni Evangelista, Duomo Parma, altar-pieces Dresden (4), Parma Gals., Louvre, mythological pictures Antiope Louvre, Danae Borghese, Leda Jupiter and Io Berlin, Venus Mercury and Cupid Nat. Gal. Lon., Ganymede Vienna Gal.; Pomponio Allegri, frescos Capella del Popolo Parma; Anselmi, frescos S. Giovanni Evangelista, altar-pieces Madonna della Steccata, Duomo, Gal. Parma, Louvre; Parmigianino, frescos Moses Steccata, S. Giovanni Parma, altar-pieces Santa Margherita, Bologna Gal., Madonna Pitti, portraits Uffizi, Vienna, Naples Mus., other works Dresden, Vienna, and Nat. Gal. Lon. oil paintings
Siennese—Sodoma, frescos Convent of St. Anne near Pienza, Benedictine Convent of Mont' Oliveto Maggiore, Alexander and Roxana Villa Farnesina Rome, S. Bernardino Palazzo Pubblico, S. Domenico Sienna, pictures Uffizi, Brera, Munich, Vienna Gals.; Pacchiarotto, Ascension Visitation Sienna Gal.;Girolamo del Pacchia, frescos (3) S. Bernardino, altar-pieces S. Spirito and Sienna Acad., Munich and Nat. Gal. Lon.; Peruzzi, fresco Fontegiuste Sienna, S. Onofrio, S. M. della Pace Rome; Beccafumi, St. Catherine Saints Sienna Acad., frescos S. Bernardino Hospital and S. Martino Sienna, Palazzo Doria Rome, Pitti, Berlin, Munich Gals. art oil painting for sale
Ferrarese and Bolognese—Dosso Dossi, many works Ferrara Modena Gals., Duomo S. Pietro Modena, Brera, Borghese, Doria, Berlin, Dresden, Vienna, Gals.; Garofolo, many works Ferrara churches and Gal., Borghese, Campigdoglio, Louvre, Berlin, Dresden, Munich, Nat. Gal. Lon.; Mazzolino, Ferrara, Berlin, Dresden, Louvre, Doria, Borghese, Pitti, Uffizi, and Nat. Gal. Lon.; Bagnacavallo, Misericordia and Gal. Bologna, Louvre, Berlin, Dresden Gals. oil painting on canvas for sale
Parmese—Correggio, frescos Convent of S. Paolo, S. Giovanni Evangelista, Duomo Parma, altar-pieces Dresden (4), Parma Gals., Louvre, mythological pictures Antiope Louvre, Danae Borghese, Leda Jupiter and Io Berlin, Venus Mercury and Cupid Nat. Gal. Lon., Ganymede Vienna Gal.; Pomponio Allegri, frescos Capella del Popolo Parma; Anselmi, frescos S. Giovanni Evangelista, altar-pieces Madonna della Steccata, Duomo, Gal. Parma, Louvre; Parmigianino, frescos Moses Steccata, S. Giovanni Parma, altar-pieces Santa Margherita, Bologna Gal., Madonna Pitti, portraits Uffizi, Vienna, Naples Mus., other works Dresden, Vienna, and Nat. Gal. Lon. oil paintings
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