Books Recommended: Busscher, Recherches sur les
Peintres Gantois; Crowe and Cavalcaselle, Early Flemish Painters;
Cust, Van Dyck; Dehaisnes, L'Art dans la Flandre; Du Jardin,
L'art Flamand; Eisenmann, The Brothers Van Eyck; Fétis, Les
Artistes Belges à l'Étranger; Fromentin, Old Masters of Belgium and
Holland; Gerrits, Rubens zyn Tyd, etc.; Guiffrey, Van Dyck;
Hasselt, Histoire de Rubens; (Waagen's) Kügler, Handbook of
Painting—German,oil paintings for sale, Flemish, and Dutch Schools; Lemonnier, Histoire des Arts
en Belgique; Mantz, Adrien Brouwer; Michel, Rubens; Michiels,
Rubens en l'École d'Anvers; Michiels, Histoire de la Peinture
Flamande; Stevenson, Rubens; Van den Branden, Geschiedenis der
Antwerpsche Schilderschool; Van Mander, Le Livre des Peintres;
Waagen, Uber Hubert und Jan Van Eyck; Waagen, Peter Paul Rubens;
Wauters, Rogier van der Weyden; Wauters, La Peinture Flamande;
Weale,Hans Memling (Arundel Soc.); Weale, Notes sur Jean Van
Eyck. art oil painting online
THE FLEMISH PEOPLE: Individually and nationally the Flemings were
strugglers against adverse circumstances from the beginning. A realistic race
with practical ideas, a people rather warm of impulse and free in habits, they
combined some German sentiment with French liveliness and gayety. The solidarity
of the nation was not accomplished until after 1385, when the Dukes of Burgundy
began to extend their power over the Low Countries. Then the Flemish people
became strong enough to defy both Germany and France, and wealthy enough,
through their com merce with Spain, Italy, and France to encourage
art not only at the Ducal court but in the churches, and among the citizens of
the various towns. reproduction oil paintings for sale
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